Saturday 29 October 2016


Hey Guys,

Now I can explain...
My Mum has hogged the laptop this entire time. Then we bought a new one and couldnt find my account. So lets catch up I am now in to secondary so emotional...

So today I am going to do a movie review and its on....


I havent blogged in a while and it upsets me (thanks mum!). So I have deciced to do a movie report as i havent done it before.

Ghostbusters is a 12A movie and... I found it very entertaing (actually there is no reason to act like a journalist) I loved it!!! 
It was sooo funny as it was supposed to be. I also loved the way Chris Hensworth looked geeky.

If you havent watched the movie yet then i reccomend you to watch it (me and my sisters loved it so much we made a dance from the theme song) Of course if you have watched it and didnt like it i understand.

My favourite charater is Jillian she is funny and weird and I find her personality HILARIOUS. The villian is very sinister (like villians should be duh)

well this is me signing off i will keep you posted
                                                                                     miss mogs

Monday 2 November 2015

Have you missed me ?

Hi Guys, So where do i begin, maybe I should explain why I haven't blogged in a while, and when I say a while i mean what seems an eternity...But that's MUMS FAULT !!! shes always on the laptop on her endless and tiresome Christmas shopping quest (eeeek its Christmas soon) We have been so busy lately.  Its been Mums birthday and she got soooo spoilt. Do you like the cake my Dad made her ? mmmmmm tasty.
then it was also half term and we bought some little Christmas decorations from hobbycraft we need to paint them with /mum and my Auntie Jen.
It was Halloween yesterday, I hope you all had fun, I know I did. we went trick or treating and we got so many goodies. My belly is still stuffed with sweets bluuurggh.
Halloween is also my little Cousins 2nd birthday I wish we could have seen her I cant believe that I've not even met her she lives in Ireland. Mum and Dad say we will all be driving over there next year, cant wait.

I better go Mum needs the laptop again,


Be back soon with all the latest in music,

Mogs x0x0

Monday 24 August 2015

Asda Lemon Drizzle Cake Review

Lemon Drizzle Mmmmmmm, Mmmmmm so yummy

Got to say as delicious as this is I have to admit it was an ASDA own brand cake mix, and I highly recommend it so simple to follow and super cheap (my mums favourite word) lol and tastes very expensive. It was so lemony (is that a word ? lol) and the filing was to die for very creamy !!  Think i will definitely be going back for a visit to try some of their other varieties. Watch this space for more reviews on them ..


Mushroom And 2 Cheese Stuffed Burgers

 So here are Mums and My stuffed burgers, they have got to be the juiciest and tastiest I've ever had and I'm not just saying that as I made them lol.


750g Lean Mince Beef
1 Burger Bun made into breadcrumbs
100g Parmesan Cheese Grated
2 Garlic Cloves
1 Onion
3 Spring Onions
250g Mushrooms
6 Broccoli Florets
1 Chilli
100g Cheddar Cheese
125g Mozzarella
2 Tbsp Sesame Seeds
1 Egg
Salt and Pepper


Preheat oven to  
 425 F
220 C 
 Gas mark  7

Finely dice the Onion, Spring onion, 1/3 Mushrooms, Chili, Broccoli, And blitz the burger bun and the parmesan in a blender and combine them in a bowl with 1 Egg, Salt, Pepper the Mince and the Garlic.

Knead until all ingredients are combined
Slice the remaining mushrooms and dry fry them in a pan, drain and dry on kitchen paper.

Cut the Cheese into cubes and set aside.

Divide the meat into 8 large balls and 8 balls half the size {the lids).  Make a well shape out of the larger balls and stuff with 1 tbsp of the mushrooms and the cheeses place the lids on and seal the 2 halves together, push down to flatten them.

Sprinkle sesame seeds on the top and bake for 20 minutes.

Bad news, Beach and Baking

Hi guys,   
              Long time no see !!! wondering why? We have been busy busy busy !!. There been a lot going on this week. Yesterday my littlest sister was playing at my Aunties and ended up with a wire from a wind spinner in her eye so spent the day at the hospital (the upside? she got to ride in an ambulance), she's fine now though.... Couldn't believe they very same day my Uncle H had to stay in hospital as he was very ill, (the upside?  Auntie J came to stay ) he came out today luckily to watch the Arsenal v Liverpool game -tonight ..... COME ON ARSENAL !!!

We also went to the beach as it was so hot , you wouldn't think it was summer its been non stop raining for the last 2 days so jumped at the chance to top up my tan and have a swim in the sea. We had great fun! It was better than any other beach but the only thing that annoyed me was the waves they kept knocking me off my feet. We had a picnic and I have discovered Houmous it was so d-elish, hoping to make some with Mum.soon.

Today Dad took me shopping and we bought lots of stuff for me to "Get my bake on" but first the little monsters got to make a mug cake each I didn't get to taste it but ill take their word for it when they say it was yummy. And after that  got to make a moist juicy lemon drizzle cake..OMG OMG OMG for my first bake entirely on my own I gotta say it was amazing.......Everyone loved it ...Fancy a slice?

Think I have a new cooking obsession straight after I helped mum make mushroom and 2 cheese stuffed burgers soot juicy great for a BBQ (if this awful rain would go away) 

That's it for now, more to come soon .


Tuesday 18 August 2015

Schools Out !!! OOOOO YEAAHH !!!

So schools out and that means places to go and here's some places I would recommend to go to .

A couple of weeks ago me and my family went to Paradise Wildlife Park to celebrate My Grandad's B-day (he loved the zoo) he passed away this year so what better way to celebrate his life by doing something he loved doing. There were Pigs, Red Pandas, Wallabies, Snow Leopards, Lemurs and even White Lions and White Tigers! We really enjoyed it there. After seeing all the fascinating animals we had a quick soak in their paddling pool followed by the long journey home, which was peaceful as the 2 noisy nuisance sisters slept the entire time (phew).

Now here's brilliant place for you and your dogs and it's called Jeskyns Park. I take my dog Layci there all the time it's got a tree house for us kids and and some nice fields for you and your dog to have fun trust me I do. I also would recommend this place for a little picnic with the family.

Or you could go to Kew Gardens in London I went there with my school and it was magnificent but to be honest I think greenhouse is a bit smelly . Underneath it was an aquarium and you could watch a 3D film called plankton. There was also a beautiful Japanese garden where we found leaves that we put into our hair. Now here the fun part during our way back we saw a sprinkler and I ran through a dozen times just because it was so hot.

Its only half way through the holidays and I'm sure we will be out and about before the week is out so ill keep you updated ...I'm off now to buy SHHOOOEEESS 

Monday 17 August 2015

Dear Diary

Well where do I begin maybe at the start?
This morning I woke up to the noise of my devilish little sisters watching Brother Bear 2, and when I say watching I mean SHOUTING UNTIL THEY TURNED BLUE!!! I had a terrible headache after that so I made myself a nice cup of hot choccie and went up to my room,

Last night I had the funniest of dreams or maybe it was a flashback as it actually happened ...... I was in the school hall and I was dressed in full medieval costume and my friend introduced me to the rest of year 5 as Romeo ( I was cast as him in the school play) and can I be the 1st one to say "EWWW!!" Hanna was my Father,who is one of my BFFs and Cait was Juliet.... I'm gonna be sick!!! but the most important thing was we had great fun, I laughed so much my face ached (even when Juliet died) oops :S

Today hasn't been as complicated as usual, its been packing (we are moving house) watching Netflix and did i mention MORE PACKING!! (boring)

Yours Mogs