Saturday 29 October 2016


Hey Guys,

Now I can explain...
My Mum has hogged the laptop this entire time. Then we bought a new one and couldnt find my account. So lets catch up I am now in to secondary so emotional...

So today I am going to do a movie review and its on....


I havent blogged in a while and it upsets me (thanks mum!). So I have deciced to do a movie report as i havent done it before.

Ghostbusters is a 12A movie and... I found it very entertaing (actually there is no reason to act like a journalist) I loved it!!! 
It was sooo funny as it was supposed to be. I also loved the way Chris Hensworth looked geeky.

If you havent watched the movie yet then i reccomend you to watch it (me and my sisters loved it so much we made a dance from the theme song) Of course if you have watched it and didnt like it i understand.

My favourite charater is Jillian she is funny and weird and I find her personality HILARIOUS. The villian is very sinister (like villians should be duh)

well this is me signing off i will keep you posted
                                                                                     miss mogs

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