Monday 2 November 2015

Have you missed me ?

Hi Guys, So where do i begin, maybe I should explain why I haven't blogged in a while, and when I say a while i mean what seems an eternity...But that's MUMS FAULT !!! shes always on the laptop on her endless and tiresome Christmas shopping quest (eeeek its Christmas soon) We have been so busy lately.  Its been Mums birthday and she got soooo spoilt. Do you like the cake my Dad made her ? mmmmmm tasty.
then it was also half term and we bought some little Christmas decorations from hobbycraft we need to paint them with /mum and my Auntie Jen.
It was Halloween yesterday, I hope you all had fun, I know I did. we went trick or treating and we got so many goodies. My belly is still stuffed with sweets bluuurggh.
Halloween is also my little Cousins 2nd birthday I wish we could have seen her I cant believe that I've not even met her she lives in Ireland. Mum and Dad say we will all be driving over there next year, cant wait.

I better go Mum needs the laptop again,


Be back soon with all the latest in music,

Mogs x0x0

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